Revisit classic models from a graph perspective

  • Capsule [paper] [tutorial] [PyTorch code]: This new computer vision model has two key ideas. First, enhancing the feature representation in a vector form (instead of a scalar) called capsule. Second, replacing max-pooling with dynamic routing. The idea of dynamic routing is to integrate a lower level capsule to one or several higher level capsules with non-parametric message-passing. A tutorial shows how the latter can be implemented with DGL APIs.

  • Transformer [paper] [tutorial] [PyTorch code] and Universal Transformer [paper] [tutorial] [PyTorch code]: These two models replace recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with several layers of multi-head attention to encode and discover structures among tokens of a sentence. These attention mechanisms are similarly formulated as graph operations with message-passing.

Capsule Network

Capsule Network

Transformer as a Graph Neural Network

Transformer as a Graph Neural Network