Prepare Data

In this section, we will prepare the data for the Graphormer model introduced before. We can use any dataset containing DGLGraph objects and standard PyTorch dataloader to feed the data to the model. The key is to define a collate function to group features of multiple graphs into batches. We show an example of the collate function as follows:

def collate(graphs):
    # compute shortest path features, can be done in advance
    for g in graphs:
        spd, path = dgl.shortest_dist(g, root=None, return_paths=True)
        g.ndata["spd"] = spd
        g.ndata["path"] = path

    num_graphs = len(graphs)
    num_nodes = [g.num_nodes() for g in graphs]
    max_num_nodes = max(num_nodes)

    attn_mask = th.zeros(num_graphs, max_num_nodes, max_num_nodes)
    node_feat = []
    in_degree, out_degree = [], []
    path_data = []
    # Since shortest_dist returns -1 for unreachable node pairs and padded
    # nodes are unreachable to others, distance relevant to padded nodes
    # use -1 padding as well.
    dist = -th.ones(
        (num_graphs, max_num_nodes, max_num_nodes), dtype=th.long

    for i in range(num_graphs):
        # A binary mask where invalid positions are indicated by True.
        # Avoid the case where all positions are invalid.
        attn_mask[i, :, num_nodes[i] + 1 :] = 1

        # +1 to distinguish padded non-existing nodes from real nodes
        node_feat.append(graphs[i].ndata["feat"] + 1)

        # 0 for padding
            th.clamp(graphs[i].in_degrees() + 1, min=0, max=512)
            th.clamp(graphs[i].out_degrees() + 1, min=0, max=512)

        # Path padding to make all paths to the same length "max_len".
        path = graphs[i].ndata["path"]
        path_len = path.size(dim=2)
        # shape of shortest_path: [n, n, max_len]
        max_len = 5
        if path_len >= max_len:
            shortest_path = path[:, :, :max_len]
            p1d = (0, max_len - path_len)
            # Use the same -1 padding as shortest_dist for
            # invalid edge IDs.
            shortest_path = th.nn.functional.pad(path, p1d, "constant", -1)
        pad_num_nodes = max_num_nodes - num_nodes[i]
        p3d = (0, 0, 0, pad_num_nodes, 0, pad_num_nodes)
        shortest_path = th.nn.functional.pad(shortest_path, p3d, "constant", -1)
        # +1 to distinguish padded non-existing edges from real edges
        edata = graphs[i].edata["feat"] + 1

        # shortest_dist pads non-existing edges (at the end of shortest
        # paths) with edge IDs -1, and th.zeros(1, edata.shape[1]) stands
        # for all padded edge features.
        edata =
            (edata, th.zeros(1, edata.shape[1]).to(edata.device)), dim=0

        dist[i, : num_nodes[i], : num_nodes[i]] = graphs[i].ndata["spd"]

    # node feat padding
    node_feat = th.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(node_feat, batch_first=True)

    # degree padding
    in_degree = th.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(in_degree, batch_first=True)
    out_degree = th.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(out_degree, batch_first=True)

    return (

In this example, we also omit details like the addition of a virtual node. For more details, please refer to the Graphormer example.