Source code for

"""Predictor for edges in homogeneous graphs."""
# pylint: disable= no-member, arguments-differ, invalid-name, W0235
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]class EdgePredictor(nn.Module): r"""Predictor/score function for pairs of node representations Given a pair of node representations, :math:`h_i` and :math:`h_j`, it combines them with **dot product** .. math:: h_i^{T} h_j or **cosine similarity** .. math:: \frac{h_i^{T} h_j}{{\| h_i \|}_2 \cdot {\| h_j \|}_2} or **elementwise product** .. math:: h_i \odot h_j or **concatenation** .. math:: h_i \Vert h_j Optionally, it passes the combined results to a linear layer for the final prediction. Parameters ---------- op : str The operation to apply. It can be 'dot', 'cos', 'ele', or 'cat', corresponding to the equations above in order. in_feats : int, optional The input feature size of :math:`h_i` and :math:`h_j`. It is required only if a linear layer is to be applied. out_feats : int, optional The output feature size. It is reuiqred only if a linear layer is to be applied. bias : bool, optional Whether to use bias for the linear layer if it applies. Examples -------- >>> import dgl >>> import torch as th >>> from dgl.nn import EdgePredictor >>> num_nodes = 2 >>> num_edges = 3 >>> in_feats = 4 >>> g = dgl.rand_graph(num_nodes=num_nodes, num_edges=num_edges) >>> h = th.randn(num_nodes, in_feats) >>> src, dst = g.edges() >>> h_src = h[src] >>> h_dst = h[dst] Case1: dot product >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('dot') >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 1]) >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('dot', in_feats, out_feats=3) >>> predictor.reset_parameters() >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 3]) Case2: cosine similarity >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('cos') >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 1]) >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('cos', in_feats, out_feats=3) >>> predictor.reset_parameters() >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 3]) Case3: elementwise product >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('ele') >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 4]) >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('ele', in_feats, out_feats=3) >>> predictor.reset_parameters() >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 3]) Case4: concatenation >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('cat') >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 8]) >>> predictor = EdgePredictor('cat', in_feats, out_feats=3) >>> predictor.reset_parameters() >>> predictor(h_src, h_dst).shape torch.Size([3, 3]) """ def __init__(self, op, in_feats=None, out_feats=None, bias=False): super(EdgePredictor, self).__init__() assert op in ['dot', 'cos', 'ele', 'cat'], \ "Expect op to be in ['dot', 'cos', 'ele', 'cat'], got {}".format(op) self.op = op if (in_feats is not None) and (out_feats is not None): if op in ['dot', 'cos']: in_feats = 1 elif op == 'cat': in_feats = 2 * in_feats self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats, bias=bias) else: self.linear = None
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): r""" Description ----------- Reinitialize learnable parameters. """ if self.linear is not None: self.linear.reset_parameters()
[docs] def forward(self, h_src, h_dst): r""" Description ----------- Predict for pairs of node representations. Parameters ---------- h_src : torch.Tensor Source node features. The tensor is of shape :math:`(E, D_{in})`, where :math:`E` is the number of edges/node pairs, and :math:`D_{in}` is the input feature size. h_dst : torch.Tensor Destination node features. The tensor is of shape :math:`(E, D_{in})`, where :math:`E` is the number of edges/node pairs, and :math:`D_{in}` is the input feature size. Returns ------- torch.Tensor The output features. """ if self.op == 'dot': N, D = h_src.shape h = torch.bmm(h_src.view(N, 1, D), h_dst.view(N, D, 1)).squeeze(-1) elif self.op == 'cos': h = F.cosine_similarity(h_src, h_dst).unsqueeze(-1) elif self.op == 'ele': h = h_src * h_dst else: h =[h_src, h_dst], dim=-1) if self.linear is not None: h = self.linear(h) return h