Source code for dgl.nn.pytorch.explain.gnnexplainer

"""Torch Module for GNNExplainer"""
# pylint: disable= no-member, arguments-differ, invalid-name
from math import sqrt
import torch

from torch import nn
from tqdm import tqdm

from ....base import NID, EID
from ....subgraph import khop_in_subgraph

[docs]class GNNExplainer(nn.Module): r"""GNNExplainer model from `GNNExplainer: Generating Explanations for Graph Neural Networks <>`__ It identifies compact subgraph structures and small subsets of node features that play a critical role in GNN-based node classification and graph classification. To generate an explanation, it learns an edge mask :math:`M` and a feature mask :math:`F` by optimizing the following objective function. .. math:: l(y, \hat{y}) + \alpha_1 \|M\|_1 + \alpha_2 H(M) + \beta_1 \|F\|_1 + \beta_2 H(F) where :math:`l` is the loss function, :math:`y` is the original model prediction, :math:`\hat{y}` is the model prediction with the edge and feature mask applied, :math:`H` is the entropy function. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module The GNN model to explain. * The required arguments of its forward function are graph and feat. The latter one is for input node features. * It should also optionally take an eweight argument for edge weights and multiply the messages by it in message passing. * The output of its forward function is the logits for the predicted node/graph classes. See also the example in :func:`explain_node` and :func:`explain_graph`. num_hops : int The number of hops for GNN information aggregation. lr : float, optional The learning rate to use, default to 0.01. num_epochs : int, optional The number of epochs to train. alpha1 : float, optional A higher value will make the explanation edge masks more sparse by decreasing the sum of the edge mask. alpha2 : float, optional A higher value will make the explanation edge masks more sparse by decreasing the entropy of the edge mask. beta1 : float, optional A higher value will make the explanation node feature masks more sparse by decreasing the mean of the node feature mask. beta2 : float, optional A higher value will make the explanation node feature masks more sparse by decreasing the entropy of the node feature mask. log : bool, optional If True, it will log the computation process, default to True. """ def __init__(self, model, num_hops, lr=0.01, num_epochs=100, *, alpha1=0.005, alpha2=1.0, beta1=1.0, beta2=0.1, log=True): super(GNNExplainer, self).__init__() self.model = model self.num_hops = num_hops = lr self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.alpha1 = alpha1 self.alpha2 = alpha2 self.beta1 = beta1 self.beta2 = beta2 self.log = log def _init_masks(self, graph, feat): r"""Initialize learnable feature and edge mask. Parameters ---------- graph : DGLGraph Input graph. feat : Tensor Input node features. Returns ------- feat_mask : Tensor Feature mask of shape :math:`(1, D)`, where :math:`D` is the feature size. edge_mask : Tensor Edge mask of shape :math:`(E)`, where :math:`E` is the number of edges. """ num_nodes, feat_size = feat.size() num_edges = graph.num_edges() device = feat.device std = 0.1 feat_mask = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, feat_size, device=device) * std) std = nn.init.calculate_gain('relu') * sqrt(2.0 / (2 * num_nodes)) edge_mask = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_edges, device=device) * std) return feat_mask, edge_mask def _loss_regularize(self, loss, feat_mask, edge_mask): r"""Add regularization terms to the loss. Parameters ---------- loss : Tensor Loss value. feat_mask : Tensor Feature mask of shape :math:`(1, D)`, where :math:`D` is the feature size. edge_mask : Tensor Edge mask of shape :math:`(E)`, where :math:`E` is the number of edges. Returns ------- Tensor Loss value with regularization terms added. """ # epsilon for numerical stability eps = 1e-15 edge_mask = edge_mask.sigmoid() # Edge mask sparsity regularization loss = loss + self.alpha1 * torch.sum(edge_mask) # Edge mask entropy regularization ent = - edge_mask * torch.log(edge_mask + eps) - \ (1 - edge_mask) * torch.log(1 - edge_mask + eps) loss = loss + self.alpha2 * ent.mean() feat_mask = feat_mask.sigmoid() # Feature mask sparsity regularization loss = loss + self.beta1 * torch.mean(feat_mask) # Feature mask entropy regularization ent = - feat_mask * torch.log(feat_mask + eps) - \ (1 - feat_mask) * torch.log(1 - feat_mask + eps) loss = loss + self.beta2 * ent.mean() return loss
[docs] def explain_node(self, node_id, graph, feat, **kwargs): r"""Learn and return a node feature mask and subgraph that play a crucial role to explain the prediction made by the GNN for node :attr:`node_id`. Parameters ---------- node_id : int The node to explain. graph : DGLGraph A homogeneous graph. feat : Tensor The input feature of shape :math:`(N, D)`. :math:`N` is the number of nodes, and :math:`D` is the feature size. kwargs : dict Additional arguments passed to the GNN model. Tensors whose first dimension is the number of nodes or edges will be assumed to be node/edge features. Returns ------- new_node_id : Tensor The new ID of the input center node. sg : DGLGraph The subgraph induced on the k-hop in-neighborhood of :attr:`node_id`. feat_mask : Tensor Learned feature importance mask of shape :math:`(D)`, where :math:`D` is the feature size. The values are within range :math:`(0, 1)`. The higher, the more important. edge_mask : Tensor Learned importance mask of the edges in the subgraph, which is a tensor of shape :math:`(E)`, where :math:`E` is the number of edges in the subgraph. The values are within range :math:`(0, 1)`. The higher, the more important. Examples -------- >>> import dgl >>> import dgl.function as fn >>> import torch >>> import torch.nn as nn >>> from import CoraGraphDataset >>> from dgl.nn import GNNExplainer >>> # Load dataset >>> data = CoraGraphDataset() >>> g = data[0] >>> features = g.ndata['feat'] >>> labels = g.ndata['label'] >>> train_mask = g.ndata['train_mask'] >>> # Define a model >>> class Model(nn.Module): ... def __init__(self, in_feats, out_feats): ... super(Model, self).__init__() ... self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats) ... ... def forward(self, graph, feat, eweight=None): ... with graph.local_scope(): ... feat = self.linear(feat) ... graph.ndata['h'] = feat ... if eweight is None: ... graph.update_all(fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h')) ... else: ... graph.edata['w'] = eweight ... graph.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('h', 'w', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h')) ... return graph.ndata['h'] >>> # Train the model >>> model = Model(features.shape[1], data.num_classes) >>> criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() >>> optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2) >>> for epoch in range(10): ... logits = model(g, features) ... loss = criterion(logits[train_mask], labels[train_mask]) ... optimizer.zero_grad() ... loss.backward() ... optimizer.step() >>> # Explain the prediction for node 10 >>> explainer = GNNExplainer(model, num_hops=1) >>> new_center, sg, feat_mask, edge_mask = explainer.explain_node(10, g, features) >>> new_center tensor([1]) >>> sg.num_edges() 12 >>> # Old IDs of the nodes in the subgraph >>> sg.ndata[dgl.NID] tensor([ 9, 10, 11, 12]) >>> # Old IDs of the edges in the subgraph >>> sg.edata[dgl.EID] tensor([51, 53, 56, 48, 52, 57, 47, 50, 55, 46, 49, 54]) >>> feat_mask tensor([0.2638, 0.2738, 0.3039, ..., 0.2794, 0.2643, 0.2733]) >>> edge_mask tensor([0.0937, 0.1496, 0.8287, 0.8132, 0.8825, 0.8515, 0.8146, 0.0915, 0.1145, 0.9011, 0.1311, 0.8437]) """ self.model.eval() num_nodes = graph.num_nodes() num_edges = graph.num_edges() # Extract node-centered k-hop subgraph and # its associated node and edge features. sg, inverse_indices = khop_in_subgraph(graph, node_id, self.num_hops) sg_nodes = sg.ndata[NID].long() sg_edges = sg.edata[EID].long() feat = feat[sg_nodes] for key, item in kwargs.items(): if torch.is_tensor(item) and item.size(0) == num_nodes: item = item[sg_nodes] elif torch.is_tensor(item) and item.size(0) == num_edges: item = item[sg_edges] kwargs[key] = item # Get the initial prediction. with torch.no_grad(): logits = self.model(graph=sg, feat=feat, **kwargs) pred_label = logits.argmax(dim=-1) feat_mask, edge_mask = self._init_masks(sg, feat) params = [feat_mask, edge_mask] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, if self.log: pbar = tqdm(total=self.num_epochs) pbar.set_description('Explain node {node_id}') for _ in range(self.num_epochs): optimizer.zero_grad() h = feat * feat_mask.sigmoid() logits = self.model(graph=sg, feat=h, eweight=edge_mask.sigmoid(), **kwargs) log_probs = logits.log_softmax(dim=-1) loss = -log_probs[inverse_indices, pred_label[inverse_indices]] loss = self._loss_regularize(loss, feat_mask, edge_mask) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if self.log: pbar.update(1) if self.log: pbar.close() feat_mask = feat_mask.detach().sigmoid().squeeze() edge_mask = edge_mask.detach().sigmoid() return inverse_indices, sg, feat_mask, edge_mask
[docs] def explain_graph(self, graph, feat, **kwargs): r"""Learn and return a node feature mask and an edge mask that play a crucial role to explain the prediction made by the GNN for a graph. Parameters ---------- graph : DGLGraph A homogeneous graph. feat : Tensor The input feature of shape :math:`(N, D)`. :math:`N` is the number of nodes, and :math:`D` is the feature size. kwargs : dict Additional arguments passed to the GNN model. Tensors whose first dimension is the number of nodes or edges will be assumed to be node/edge features. Returns ------- feat_mask : Tensor Learned feature importance mask of shape :math:`(D)`, where :math:`D` is the feature size. The values are within range :math:`(0, 1)`. The higher, the more important. edge_mask : Tensor Learned importance mask of the edges in the graph, which is a tensor of shape :math:`(E)`, where :math:`E` is the number of edges in the graph. The values are within range :math:`(0, 1)`. The higher, the more important. Examples -------- >>> import dgl.function as fn >>> import torch >>> import torch.nn as nn >>> from import GINDataset >>> from dgl.dataloading import GraphDataLoader >>> from dgl.nn import AvgPooling, GNNExplainer >>> # Load dataset >>> data = GINDataset('MUTAG', self_loop=True) >>> dataloader = GraphDataLoader(data, batch_size=64, shuffle=True) >>> # Define a model >>> class Model(nn.Module): ... def __init__(self, in_feats, out_feats): ... super(Model, self).__init__() ... self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats) ... self.pool = AvgPooling() ... ... def forward(self, graph, feat, eweight=None): ... with graph.local_scope(): ... feat = self.linear(feat) ... graph.ndata['h'] = feat ... if eweight is None: ... graph.update_all(fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h')) ... else: ... graph.edata['w'] = eweight ... graph.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('h', 'w', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h')) ... return self.pool(graph, graph.ndata['h']) >>> # Train the model >>> feat_size = data[0][0].ndata['attr'].shape[1] >>> model = Model(feat_size, data.gclasses) >>> criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() >>> optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2) >>> for bg, labels in dataloader: ... logits = model(bg, bg.ndata['attr']) ... loss = criterion(logits, labels) ... optimizer.zero_grad() ... loss.backward() ... optimizer.step() >>> # Explain the prediction for graph 0 >>> explainer = GNNExplainer(model, num_hops=1) >>> g, _ = data[0] >>> features = g.ndata['attr'] >>> feat_mask, edge_mask = explainer.explain_graph(g, features) >>> feat_mask tensor([0.2362, 0.2497, 0.2622, 0.2675, 0.2649, 0.2962, 0.2533]) >>> edge_mask tensor([0.2154, 0.2235, 0.8325, ..., 0.7787, 0.1735, 0.1847]) """ self.model.eval() # Get the initial prediction. with torch.no_grad(): logits = self.model(graph=graph, feat=feat, **kwargs) pred_label = logits.argmax(dim=-1) feat_mask, edge_mask = self._init_masks(graph, feat) params = [feat_mask, edge_mask] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, if self.log: pbar = tqdm(total=self.num_epochs) pbar.set_description('Explain graph') for _ in range(self.num_epochs): optimizer.zero_grad() h = feat * feat_mask.sigmoid() logits = self.model(graph=graph, feat=h, eweight=edge_mask.sigmoid(), **kwargs) log_probs = logits.log_softmax(dim=-1) loss = -log_probs[0, pred_label[0]] loss = self._loss_regularize(loss, feat_mask, edge_mask) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if self.log: pbar.update(1) if self.log: pbar.close() feat_mask = feat_mask.detach().sigmoid().squeeze() edge_mask = edge_mask.detach().sigmoid() return feat_mask, edge_mask