Source code for dgl.nn.pytorch.conv.relgraphconv

"""Torch Module for Relational graph convolution layer"""
# pylint: disable= no-member, arguments-differ, invalid-name
import torch as th
from torch import nn

from .... import function as fn
from ..linear import TypedLinear

[docs]class RelGraphConv(nn.Module): r"""Relational graph convolution layer from `Modeling Relational Data with Graph Convolutional Networks <>`__ It can be described in as below: .. math:: h_i^{(l+1)} = \sigma(\sum_{r\in\mathcal{R}} \sum_{j\in\mathcal{N}^r(i)}e_{j,i}W_r^{(l)}h_j^{(l)}+W_0^{(l)}h_i^{(l)}) where :math:`\mathcal{N}^r(i)` is the neighbor set of node :math:`i` w.r.t. relation :math:`r`. :math:`e_{j,i}` is the normalizer. :math:`\sigma` is an activation function. :math:`W_0` is the self-loop weight. The basis regularization decomposes :math:`W_r` by: .. math:: W_r^{(l)} = \sum_{b=1}^B a_{rb}^{(l)}V_b^{(l)} where :math:`B` is the number of bases, :math:`V_b^{(l)}` are linearly combined with coefficients :math:`a_{rb}^{(l)}`. The block-diagonal-decomposition regularization decomposes :math:`W_r` into :math:`B` number of block diagonal matrices. We refer :math:`B` as the number of bases. The block regularization decomposes :math:`W_r` by: .. math:: W_r^{(l)} = \oplus_{b=1}^B Q_{rb}^{(l)} where :math:`B` is the number of bases, :math:`Q_{rb}^{(l)}` are block bases with shape :math:`R^{(d^{(l+1)}/B)*(d^{l}/B)}`. Parameters ---------- in_feat : int Input feature size; i.e, the number of dimensions of :math:`h_j^{(l)}`. out_feat : int Output feature size; i.e., the number of dimensions of :math:`h_i^{(l+1)}`. num_rels : int Number of relations. . regularizer : str, optional Which weight regularizer to use "basis" or "bdd": - "basis" is short for basis-decomposition. - "bdd" is short for block-diagonal-decomposition. Default applies no regularization. num_bases : int, optional Number of bases. Needed when ``regularizer`` is specified. Default: ``None``. bias : bool, optional True if bias is added. Default: ``True``. activation : callable, optional Activation function. Default: ``None``. self_loop : bool, optional True to include self loop message. Default: ``True``. dropout : float, optional Dropout rate. Default: ``0.0`` layer_norm: float, optional Add layer norm. Default: ``False`` Examples -------- >>> import dgl >>> import numpy as np >>> import torch as th >>> from dgl.nn import RelGraphConv >>> >>> g = dgl.graph(([0,1,2,3,2,5], [1,2,3,4,0,3])) >>> feat = th.ones(6, 10) >>> conv = RelGraphConv(10, 2, 3, regularizer='basis', num_bases=2) >>> etype = th.tensor([0,1,2,0,1,2]) >>> res = conv(g, feat, etype) >>> res tensor([[ 0.3996, -2.3303], [-0.4323, -0.1440], [ 0.3996, -2.3303], [ 2.1046, -2.8654], [-0.4323, -0.1440], [-0.1309, -1.0000]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>) """ def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat, num_rels, regularizer=None, num_bases=None, bias=True, activation=None, self_loop=True, dropout=0.0, layer_norm=False): super().__init__() self.linear_r = TypedLinear(in_feat, out_feat, num_rels, regularizer, num_bases) self.bias = bias self.activation = activation self.self_loop = self_loop self.layer_norm = layer_norm # bias if self.bias: self.h_bias = nn.Parameter(th.Tensor(out_feat)) nn.init.zeros_(self.h_bias) # TODO(minjie): consider remove those options in the future to make # the module only about graph convolution. # layer norm if self.layer_norm: self.layer_norm_weight = nn.LayerNorm(out_feat, elementwise_affine=True) # weight for self loop if self.self_loop: self.loop_weight = nn.Parameter(th.Tensor(in_feat, out_feat)) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.loop_weight, gain=nn.init.calculate_gain('relu')) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) def message(self, edges): """Message function.""" m = self.linear_r(edges.src['h'],['etype'], self.presorted) if 'norm' in m = m *['norm'] return {'m' : m}
[docs] def forward(self, g, feat, etypes, norm=None, *, presorted=False): """Forward computation. Parameters ---------- g : DGLGraph The graph. feat : torch.Tensor A 2D tensor of node features. Shape: :math:`(|V|, D_{in})`. etypes : torch.Tensor or list[int] An 1D integer tensor of edge types. Shape: :math:`(|E|,)`. norm : torch.Tensor, optional An 1D tensor of edge norm value. Shape: :math:`(|E|,)`. presorted : bool, optional Whether the edges of the input graph have been sorted by their types. Forward on pre-sorted graph may be faster. Graphs created by :func:`~dgl.to_homogeneous` automatically satisfy the condition. Also see :func:`~dgl.reorder_graph` for sorting edges manually. Returns ------- torch.Tensor New node features. Shape: :math:`(|V|, D_{out})`. """ self.presorted = presorted with g.local_scope(): g.srcdata['h'] = feat if norm is not None: g.edata['norm'] = norm g.edata['etype'] = etypes # message passing g.update_all(self.message, fn.sum('m', 'h')) # apply bias and activation h = g.dstdata['h'] if self.layer_norm: h = self.layer_norm_weight(h) if self.bias: h = h + self.h_bias if self.self_loop: h = h + feat[:g.num_dst_nodes()] @ self.loop_weight if self.activation: h = self.activation(h) h = self.dropout(h) return h