Source code for

"""Dataset for stochastic block model."""
import math
import random
import os

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import scipy as sp

from .dgl_dataset import DGLDataset
from ..convert import from_scipy
from .. import batch
from .utils import save_info, save_graphs, load_info, load_graphs

def sbm(n_blocks, block_size, p, q, rng=None):
    """ (Symmetric) Stochastic Block Model

    n_blocks : int
        Number of blocks.
    block_size : int
        Block size.
    p : float
        Probability for intra-community edge.
    q : float
        Probability for inter-community edge.
    rng : numpy.random.RandomState, optional
        Random number generator.

    scipy sparse matrix
        The adjacency matrix of generated graph.
    n = n_blocks * block_size
    p /= n
    q /= n
    rng = np.random.RandomState() if rng is None else rng

    rows = []
    cols = []
    for i in range(n_blocks):
        for j in range(i, n_blocks):
            density = p if i == j else q
            block = sp.sparse.random(block_size, block_size, density,
                                     random_state=rng, data_rvs=lambda n: np.ones(n))
            rows.append(block.row + i * block_size)
            cols.append(block.col + j * block_size)

    rows = np.hstack(rows)
    cols = np.hstack(cols)
    a = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(rows.shape[0]), (rows, cols)), shape=(n, n))
    adj = sp.sparse.triu(a) + sp.sparse.triu(a, 1).transpose()
    return adj

[docs]class SBMMixtureDataset(DGLDataset): r""" Symmetric Stochastic Block Model Mixture Reference: Appendix C of `Supervised Community Detection with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks <>`_ Parameters ---------- n_graphs : int Number of graphs. n_nodes : int Number of nodes. n_communities : int Number of communities. k : int, optional Multiplier. Default: 2 avg_deg : int, optional Average degree. Default: 3 pq : list of pair of nonnegative float or str, optional Random densities. This parameter is for future extension, for now it's always using the default value. Default: Appendix_C rng : numpy.random.RandomState, optional Random number generator. If not given, it's numpy.random.RandomState() with `seed=None`, which read data from /dev/urandom (or the Windows analogue) if available or seed from the clock otherwise. Default: None Raises ------ RuntimeError is raised if pq is not a list or string. Examples -------- >>> data = SBMMixtureDataset(n_graphs=16, n_nodes=10000, n_communities=2) >>> from import DataLoader >>> dataloader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=1, collate_fn=data.collate_fn) >>> for graph, line_graph, graph_degrees, line_graph_degrees, pm_pd in dataloader: ... # your code here """ def __init__(self, n_graphs, n_nodes, n_communities, k=2, avg_deg=3, pq='Appendix_C', rng=None): self._n_graphs = n_graphs self._n_nodes = n_nodes self._n_communities = n_communities assert n_nodes % n_communities == 0 self._block_size = n_nodes // n_communities self._k = k self._avg_deg = avg_deg self._pq = pq self._rng = rng super(SBMMixtureDataset, self).__init__(name='sbmmixture', hash_key=(n_graphs, n_nodes, n_communities, k, avg_deg, pq, rng)) def process(self): pq = self._pq if type(pq) is list: assert len(pq) == self._n_graphs elif type(pq) is str: generator = {'Appendix_C': self._appendix_c}[pq] pq = [generator() for _ in range(self._n_graphs)] else: raise RuntimeError() self._graphs = [from_scipy(sbm(self._n_communities, self._block_size, *x)) for x in pq] self._line_graphs = [g.line_graph(backtracking=False) for g in self._graphs] in_degrees = lambda g: g.in_degrees().float() self._graph_degrees = [in_degrees(g) for g in self._graphs] self._line_graph_degrees = [in_degrees(lg) for lg in self._line_graphs] self._pm_pds = list(zip(*[g.edges() for g in self._graphs]))[0] def has_cache(self): graph_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'graphs_{}.bin'.format(self.hash)) line_graph_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'line_graphs_{}.bin'.format(self.hash)) info_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'info_{}.pkl'.format(self.hash)) return os.path.exists(graph_path) and \ os.path.exists(line_graph_path) and \ os.path.exists(info_path) def save(self): graph_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'graphs_{}.bin'.format(self.hash)) line_graph_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'line_graphs_{}.bin'.format(self.hash)) info_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'info_{}.pkl'.format(self.hash)) save_graphs(graph_path, self._graphs) save_graphs(line_graph_path, self._line_graphs) save_info(info_path, {'graph_degree': self._graph_degrees, 'line_graph_degree': self._line_graph_degrees, 'pm_pds': self._pm_pds}) def load(self): graph_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'graphs_{}.bin'.format(self.hash)) line_graph_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'line_graphs_{}.bin'.format(self.hash)) info_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, 'info_{}.pkl'.format(self.hash)) self._graphs, _ = load_graphs(graph_path) self._line_graphs, _ = load_graphs(line_graph_path) info = load_info(info_path) self._graph_degrees = info['graph_degree'] self._line_graph_degrees = info['line_graph_degree'] self._pm_pds = info['pm_pds']
[docs] def __len__(self): r"""Number of graphs in the dataset.""" return len(self._graphs)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): r""" Get one example by index Parameters ---------- idx : int Item index Returns ------- graph: :class:`dgl.DGLGraph` The original graph line_graph: :class:`dgl.DGLGraph` The line graph of `graph` graph_degree: numpy.ndarray In degrees for each node in `graph` line_graph_degree: numpy.ndarray In degrees for each node in `line_graph` pm_pd: numpy.ndarray Edge indicator matrices Pm and Pd """ return self._graphs[idx], self._line_graphs[idx], \ self._graph_degrees[idx], self._line_graph_degrees[idx], self._pm_pds[idx]
def _appendix_c(self): q = npr.uniform(0, self._avg_deg - math.sqrt(self._avg_deg)) p = self._k * self._avg_deg - q if random.random() < 0.5: return p, q else: return q, p
[docs] def collate_fn(self, x): r""" The `collate` function for dataloader Parameters ---------- x : tuple a batch of data that contains: - graph: :class:`dgl.DGLGraph` The original graph - line_graph: :class:`dgl.DGLGraph` The line graph of `graph` - graph_degree: numpy.ndarray In degrees for each node in `graph` - line_graph_degree: numpy.ndarray In degrees for each node in `line_graph` - pm_pd: numpy.ndarray Edge indicator matrices Pm and Pd Returns ------- g_batch: :class:`dgl.DGLGraph` Batched graphs lg_batch: :class:`dgl.DGLGraph` Batched line graphs degg_batch: numpy.ndarray A batch of in degrees for each node in `g_batch` deglg_batch: numpy.ndarray A batch of in degrees for each node in `lg_batch` pm_pd_batch: numpy.ndarray A batch of edge indicator matrices Pm and Pd """ g, lg, deg_g, deg_lg, pm_pd = zip(*x) g_batch = batch.batch(g) lg_batch = batch.batch(lg) degg_batch = np.concatenate(deg_g, axis=0) deglg_batch = np.concatenate(deg_lg, axis=0) pm_pd_batch = np.concatenate([x + i * self._n_nodes for i, x in enumerate(pm_pd)], axis=0) return g_batch, lg_batch, degg_batch, deglg_batch, pm_pd_batch
SBMMixture = SBMMixtureDataset