6.4 Implementing Custom Graph SamplersΒΆ

Implementing custom samplers involves subclassing the dgl.graphbolt.SubgraphSampler base class and implementing its abstract sample_subgraphs method. The sample_subgraphs method should take in seed nodes which are the nodes to sample neighbors from:

def sample_subgraphs(self, seed_nodes):
    return input_nodes, sampled_subgraphs

The method should return the input node IDs list and a list of subgraphs. Each subgraph is a SampledSubgraph object.

Any other data that are required during sampling such as the graph structure, fanout size, etc. should be passed to the sampler via the constructor.

The code below implements a classical neighbor sampler:

class CustomizedNeighborSampler(dgl.graphbolt.SubgraphSampler):
   def __init__(self, datapipe, graph, fanouts):
       self.graph = graph
       self.fanouts = fanouts

   def sample_subgraphs(self, seed_nodes):
       subgs = []
       for fanout in reversed(self.fanouts):
           # Sample a fixed number of neighbors of the current seed nodes.
           input_nodes, sg = g.sample_neighbors(seed_nodes, fanout)
           subgs.insert(0, sg)
           seed_nodes = input_nodes
       return input_nodes, subgs

To use this sampler with DataLoader:

datapipe = gb.ItemSampler(train_set, batch_size=1024, shuffle=True)
datapipe = datapipe.customized_sample_neighbor(g, [10, 10]) # 2 layers.
datapipe = datapipe.fetch_feature(feature, node_feature_keys=["feat"])
datapipe = datapipe.copy_to(device)
dataloader = gb.DataLoader(datapipe)

for data in dataloader:
    input_features = data.node_features["feat"]
    output_labels = data.labels
    output_predictions = model(data.blocks, input_features)
    loss = compute_loss(output_labels, output_predictions)

Sampler for Heterogeneous GraphsΒΆ

To write a sampler for heterogeneous graphs, one needs to be aware that the argument graph is a heterogeneous graph while seeds could be a dictionary of ID tensors. Most of DGL’s graph sampling operators (e.g., the sample_neighbors and to_block functions in the above example) can work on heterogeneous graph natively, so many samplers are automatically ready for heterogeneous graph. For example, the above CustomizedNeighborSampler can be used on heterogeneous graphs:

import dgl.graphbolt as gb
hg = gb.FusedCSCSamplingGraph()
train_set = item_set = gb.ItemSetDict(
        "user": gb.ItemSet(
            (torch.arange(0, 5), torch.arange(5, 10)),
            names=("seed_nodes", "labels"),
        "item": gb.ItemSet(
            (torch.arange(5, 10), torch.arange(10, 15)),
            names=("seed_nodes", "labels"),
datapipe = gb.ItemSampler(train_set, batch_size=1024, shuffle=True)
datapipe = datapipe.customized_sample_neighbor(g, [10, 10]) # 2 layers.
datapipe = datapipe.fetch_feature(
    feature, node_feature_keys={"user": ["feat"], "item": ["feat"]}
datapipe = datapipe.copy_to(device)
dataloader = gb.DataLoader(datapipe)

for data in dataloader:
    input_features = {
        ntype: data.node_features[(ntype, "feat")]
        for ntype in data.blocks[0].srctypes
    output_labels = data.labels["user"]
    output_predictions = model(data.blocks, input_features)["user"]
    loss = compute_loss(output_labels, output_predictions)

Exclude Edges After SamplingΒΆ

In some cases, we may want to exclude seed edges from the sampled subgraph. For example, in link prediction tasks, we want to exclude the edges in the training set from the sampled subgraph to prevent information leakage. To do so, we need to add an additional datapipe right after sampling as follows:

datapipe = datapipe.customized_sample_neighbor(g, [10, 10]) # 2 layers.
datapipe = datapipe.transform(gb.exclude_seed_edges)

Please check the API page of exclude_seed_edges() for more details.

The above API is based on exclude_edges(). If you want to exclude edges from the sampled subgraph based on some other criteria, you could write your own transform function. Please check the method for reference.

You could also refer to examples in Link Prediction.