Source code for dgl.label_informativeness

"""Utils for computing graph label informativeness"""
from . import to_bidirected

    import torch
except ImportError:
    HAS_TORCH = False
    HAS_TORCH = True

__all__ = ["edge_label_informativeness", "node_label_informativeness"]

def check_pytorch():
    """Check if PyTorch is the backend."""
    if HAS_TORCH is False:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            "This function requires PyTorch to be the backend."

[docs]def edge_label_informativeness(graph, y, eps=1e-8): r"""Label informativeness (:math:`\mathrm{LI}`) is a characteristic of labeled graphs proposed in the `Characterizing Graph Datasets for Node Classification: Homophily-Heterophily Dichotomy and Beyond <>`__ Label informativeness shows how much information about a node's label we get from knowing its neighbor's label. Formally, assume that we sample an edge :math:`(\xi,\eta) \in E`. The class labels of nodes :math:`\xi` and :math:`\eta` are then random variables :math:`y_\xi` and :math:`y_\eta`. We want to measure the amount of knowledge the label :math:`y_\eta` gives for predicting :math:`y_\xi`. The entropy :math:`H(y_\xi)` measures the `hardness' of predicting the label of :math:`\xi` without knowing :math:`y_\eta`. Given :math:`y_\eta`, this value is reduced to the conditional entropy :math:`H(y_\xi|y_\eta)`. In other words, :math:`y_\eta` reveals :math:`I(y_\xi,y_\eta) = H(y_\xi) - H(y_\xi|y_\eta)` information about the label. To make the obtained quantity comparable across different datasets, label informativeness is defined as the normalized mutual information of :math:`y_{\xi}` and :math:`y_{\eta}`: .. math:: \mathrm{LI} = \frac{I(y_\xi,y_\eta)}{H(y_\xi)} Depending on the distribution used for sampling an edge :math:`(\xi, \eta)`, several variants of label informativeness can be obtained. Two of them are particularly intuitive: in edge label informativeness (:math:`\mathrm{LI}_{edge}`), edges are sampled uniformly at random, and in node label informativeness (:math:`\mathrm{LI}_{node}`), first a node is sampled uniformly at random and then an edge incident to it is sampled uniformly at random. These two versions of label informativeness differ in how they weight high/low-degree nodes. In edge label informativeness, averaging is over the edges, thus high-degree nodes are given more weight. In node label informativeness, averaging is over the nodes, so all nodes are weighted equally. This function computes edge label informativeness. Parameters ---------- graph : DGLGraph The graph. y : torch.Tensor The node labels, which is a tensor of shape (|V|). eps : float, optional A small constant for numerical stability. (default: 1e-8) Returns ------- float The edge label informativeness value. Examples -------- >>> import dgl >>> import torch >>> graph = dgl.graph(([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> dgl.edge_label_informativeness(graph, y) 0.25177597999572754 """ check_pytorch() graph = to_bidirected(graph.cpu()).to(y.device) degrees = graph.in_degrees().float() num_classes = y.max() + 1 class_degree_weighted_probs = torch.zeros(num_classes).to(y.device) class_degree_weighted_probs.index_add_(dim=0, index=y, source=degrees) class_degree_weighted_probs /= class_degree_weighted_probs.sum() edge_probs = torch.zeros(num_classes, num_classes).to(y.device) labels_u = y[graph.edges()[0].long()] labels_v = y[graph.edges()[1].long()] edge_probs.index_put_( indices=(labels_u, labels_v), values=torch.ones(graph.num_edges()).to(y.device), accumulate=True, ) edge_probs /= edge_probs.sum() edge_probs += eps numerator = (edge_probs * torch.log(edge_probs)).sum() denominator = ( class_degree_weighted_probs * torch.log(class_degree_weighted_probs) ).sum() li_edge = 2 - numerator / denominator return li_edge.item()
[docs]def node_label_informativeness(graph, y, eps=1e-8): r"""Label informativeness (:math:`\mathrm{LI}`) is a characteristic of labeled graphs proposed in the `Characterizing Graph Datasets for Node Classification: Homophily-Heterophily Dichotomy and Beyond <>`__ Label informativeness shows how much information about a node's label we get from knowing its neighbor's label. Formally, assume that we sample an edge :math:`(\xi,\eta) \in E`. The class labels of nodes :math:`\xi` and :math:`\eta` are then random variables :math:`y_\xi` and :math:`y_\eta`. We want to measure the amount of knowledge the label :math:`y_\eta` gives for predicting :math:`y_\xi`. The entropy :math:`H(y_\xi)` measures the `hardness' of predicting the label of :math:`\xi` without knowing :math:`y_\eta`. Given :math:`y_\eta`, this value is reduced to the conditional entropy :math:`H(y_\xi|y_\eta)`. In other words, :math:`y_\eta` reveals :math:`I(y_\xi,y_\eta) = H(y_\xi) - H(y_\xi|y_\eta)` information about the label. To make the obtained quantity comparable across different datasets, label informativeness is defined as the normalized mutual information of :math:`y_{\xi}` and :math:`y_{\eta}`: .. math:: \mathrm{LI} = \frac{I(y_\xi,y_\eta)}{H(y_\xi)} Depending on the distribution used for sampling an edge :math:`(\xi, \eta)`, several variants of label informativeness can be obtained. Two of them are particularly intuitive: in edge label informativeness (:math:`\mathrm{LI}_{edge}`), edges are sampled uniformly at random, and in node label informativeness (:math:`\mathrm{LI}_{node}`), first a node is sampled uniformly at random and then an edge incident to it is sampled uniformly at random. These two versions of label informativeness differ in how they weight high/low-degree nodes. In edge label informativeness, averaging is over the edges, thus high-degree nodes are given more weight. In node label informativeness, averaging is over the nodes, so all nodes are weighted equally. This function computes node label informativeness. Parameters ---------- graph : DGLGraph The graph. y : torch.Tensor The node labels, which is a tensor of shape (|V|). eps : float, optional A small constant for numerical stability. (default: 1e-8) Returns ------- float The node label informativeness value. Examples -------- >>> import dgl >>> import torch >>> graph = dgl.graph(([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5])) >>> y = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> dgl.node_label_informativeness(graph, y) 0.3381872773170471 """ check_pytorch() graph = to_bidirected(graph.cpu()).to(y.device) degrees = graph.in_degrees().float() num_classes = y.max() + 1 class_probs = torch.zeros(num_classes).to(y.device) class_probs.index_add_( dim=0, index=y, source=torch.ones(graph.num_nodes()).to(y.device) ) class_probs /= class_probs.sum() class_degree_weighted_probs = torch.zeros(num_classes).to(y.device) class_degree_weighted_probs.index_add_(dim=0, index=y, source=degrees) class_degree_weighted_probs /= class_degree_weighted_probs.sum() num_nonzero_degree_nodes = (degrees > 0).sum() edge_probs = torch.zeros(num_classes, num_classes).to(y.device) labels_u = y[graph.edges()[0].long()] labels_v = y[graph.edges()[1].long()] degrees_u = degrees[graph.edges()[0].long()] edge_probs.index_put_( indices=(labels_u, labels_v), values=1 / (num_nonzero_degree_nodes * degrees_u), accumulate=True, ) edge_probs += eps log = torch.log( edge_probs / (class_probs[:, None] * class_degree_weighted_probs[None, :]) ) numerator = (edge_probs * log).sum() denominator = (class_probs * torch.log(class_probs)).sum() li_node = -numerator / denominator return li_node.item()